Fun with food.
I once went out to eat with a fellow that I new from CCAC ... I ordered a burger and when it arrived I grabbed the mustard to decorate it. He blew up, just got so mad when I drew a happy yellow face on the patty. He said he hated when people did that with their food. Guess what? We didn't go out again.
I'm not much of a meat enthusiast so when I make meatloaf I want to show the animal some respect. The annual egg-ortaloaf is a Valentine tradition. Complete with cauliflower lace and heart beets. There are 2 boiled eggs strategically placed inside. (Ooh, kinda green-edged and gross.)
For a recent birthday celebration: my version of a strawberry shortcake.
Please note the MaCKENZiE-CHiLDS serving tray. My favorite kitchen ware.